What sort of kitchens do we do? All sorts. Ones to fit your practical requirements whilst making it look fresh beautiful and glorious…and clean! Modern… classical… quirky… conventional…glossy… or not so glossy?
The choice is yours… as a bespoke company the only limit is your imagination.
Its all in the planning.

We come to see you....
A new kitchen starts with a site visit. Our chief designer Stephen Hamilton will visit you at home and spin out many ideas in around forty minutes. He will find out what you need and talk you through various options. There are many ways to approach any kitchen design. In less than an our he can normally provide an outline plan some sketches and usually some ball park figure of the costs involved. He is always conscious of people’s budgets…and will try at all times to maximise the convenience and the aesthetics of your new kitchen project. After this first visit we disappear! Leave you to mull over the ideas…and if you are still interested then….more visits…to our workshop/showrooms and sample studio…and maybe after that a visit to one of our happy clients? No rush.… no pressure... just a calm professional well organised ideas.
What to expect....
Deciding on a new kitchen or a refurbished kitchen or a mixture of both? Over the last ten years or so refurbishing, rather than totally starting from scratch, has become more common. It depends on many factors. Of course, there are two main issues…the cost…of course. And then there is the disruption which sadly is unavoidable. Sometimes it is hard to know how far to go…. but we will always give you good sensible advice and be conscious of what you want to achieve and your budget. If you do need a total project with your entire kitchen removed and then new plastered walls and electrics and lighting…. well we are happy to organise all of that. We always make sure that the costs are well presented so you can see the whole picture from the beginning. Whether or not you need a new or just a refurbished kitchen or a mixture of both we will be patient with you. There are always many visits, many conversations and lots of communication so you are completely clear about what you are getting before you are committed.


Let’s talk about refurbishment....
There really isn’t much difference between refurbishing a kitchen or completely scrapping an old one and starting again. It’s all a question of scale. Some kitchens are just too far gone.
Refurbishment starts with considering if there are elements of your existing kitchen which can be saved or in some cases restored to their former glory. Recently we spent thirty man days [ and the client paid 7000.00 to totally restore a magnificent [ original cost 50,000 ]solid oak kitchen. Sometimes we just change a few old tired oak doors to new shiny glossy ones.